I'm from the Czech Republic and currently work as PHP programmer. I have great variety of hobbies, but to sum it up - high-tech, Sci-Fi, Star Wars, Japan, sports and games. I believe, that I can talk to anybody about something and when I want, I can be pretty sociable.
My motto? There can be many, but I will share my belief instead - Always move forward. It's inevitable that on some crossroads I might turn wrong way, but it is still valuable experience to be remembered and even if it might be painful, I will eventually get back to the path I should be moving on.
As a backend developer I develop administration for users to use extended functionality to our mobile applications for smart offices. I am also responsible for maintenance and development of API interface for mobile applications. I also participate on some other minor projects.
Majority of the code was in the newest version of Laravel framework with use unit tests, all important principles in coding and with use of strict coding standards.
From websites, to reservation systems (e-shops), but mainly information systems (ERP) of wide use. All in PHP, on backend, CSS3, JS a third party libraries on front end. Gained wide variety of different experience with some basic background for server maintenance (both Linux and Windows).
From some simple calculators to presentational webpages and e-shops, just the usual internet content, one might say.
Graduated with red diploma
As mentioned earlier, I have many different interests. I will try to present most of them with short opinion, why it interests me.